Looking forward to uninterrupted, pagerless, phoneless, leashless church next week.
This blog all started as I was searching for a true and deeply passionate relationship with the Lord, but since becoming pregnant, it has turned into a journal through the journey of motherhood. I am still searching for the balance of both and welcome God to lead the way and end the searching. It's all about Austin and McKenna here, but check out http://www.jenniferlynnholt.blogspot.com for more on the "anxiously searching" journey.
Thursday 12/13/2007
I made the big announcement at small group last night, it was so nice to share it with so many that care so much. Today has just been an OK day, i am feeling tired and just kind of "blah" not really sick to my stomach, but just not myself, but thats OK, the more signs the better (within reason, am i allowed to be that picky?) i have a great feeling about the future of this wonderful life and cant wait to share it with more people, as for now, i am just going to relax and wrap some Christmas gifts!!!
Hoping tomorrow is a little bit better...
This is pretty much what it looks like outside.
Ok, so i like to exaggerate a bit.
ps. i discovered that my car does fishtail, i guess i should slow down.
well, i have managed to occupy every last minute of my days.
Some minutes even have multiple things crammed into them.
It is quite amazing.
I think the "i can do everything" all began Wednesday...
First, I awoke and basically rolled out of bed into the fresh snow (so perfect!) ok, let me rephrase that, i dont sleep outside e. I didn't really just roll into the snow. ok, now that no one is confused, I got up (inside the house) and got dressed and went over to the church for Advent prayer hour. It was so great to set aside that hour of silence, prayer, worship. It is so few times that we really do that. Like now for example, I could be "silent" but oh no, blogging away. After prayer I crammed in a swim, which took almost 40 minutes to get to the gym, because the weather was bad. Oh yeah, on the way, there was a horrible accident on US 23 S, as i drove by i got an awful feeling and just began to cry, very random indeed, but i just knew something was horribly wrong. I later found out that the man in the car died, It was like i knew at the time. I had this overpowering urge to pray for the family and friends of that person as i drove by. I then went about usual deeds, 8 of hours of work and then in my 45 minutes of time, I had to cram in a trip to Lowe's and buy some shelving units (proud of myself for that one) and off to small group where i was treated (thanks to Rich's birthday) with cake and ice cream for dinner, yumm...
Thursday: we had a baby shower for my best bud Kristin. It was a wonderful time and wa
s so perfect to bless her and the baby to be (i am convinced its a girl) but who knows!
Friday- My younger sister came into town, she goes to GVSU, to play volleyball on Saturday. Friday night, Drew was home so we decided to go out for Mexican. I couldnt think of anywhere close to go, so we thought we would go to Dundee (something we never do) because i "thought" i knew where a Mexican restaurant was, plus Michelle had never been to Cabela's, so we thought we'd check it out. Well, indeed there is Mexican restaurant just where i pictured it. We walked in and saw our friends Ross and Angela from church. What are the chances? I have probably only been to Dundee (just 10 miles from my house) 3 times in my life, and here they were. They graciously slid over so we could join them, and we all had a wonderful meal. Half way through, in walked two of the doctors that I work with and their family, celebrating lil' Nathaniel's birthday, Wow, i guess this place is the place to be. (plus i looked pretty darn popular :) Afterward we checked out Cabela's (drew's dream) and michelle and i checked out all the deadness, dead animals everywhere, but the aquarium is really cool.
12.5 hours is a long time, especially if you are in a college gym watching many teams play many, countless games of volleyball. Even if you are watching your sister, who you dearly love, play, it is a LONG day. That is what i did yesterday, from sun up to down down, plus a few, i watched my sister set for GVSU's club volleyball team. I am sad to announce that after all that, they lost in the finals to the host team, UM. THey came out of the beginning rounds ranked #1, but just couldnt hang on.
this has been a busy week. hence the fact that i haven't written much, i had some time today and was thinking, "where should i start today"...just then i went in the kitchen to make my tea (i had turned on the burner what seemed like 10 minutes ago, and i couldn't figure out why the kettle wasnt whistling yet...
ok-i need to stop here. i just turned the TV on and ESPN2 has the world arm wrestling championships on. not to offend anyone, but are you serious? the commentators are taking this so seriously, you would think we were watching the Super Bowl. I wonder how you get a job like that...haha, ok back to the story
... as soon as i entered the kitchen, my nose gave why to the awful truth. I had left the range cover on and the kettle was on top of that. essentially the burner had to burn through the whole cover before heating my water, opps! the kitchen was soon filled with smoke as i quickly tried to remove the cover and drape the towel over the smoke detector so it wouldnt go off (you learn a trick or two when you are a frequent disaster in the kithen.) i am proud to say that everything is OK now, except that the brand new Christmas decorated cover that I once owned, is toast, literally.
i must be honest, i really struggle with Bible history. that is why i like going to church so much (one reason). someone who is much smarter than I and has already done all the research explains to me the whys, how's and where's of so many many years ago (selfish, i know). anyway so the past two days of Solo have been in Leviticus
Day 8 and 9: Letting go of Sin
I've been reading about offerings (absolution-offerings, whole-burnt-offering an so on.) it is a bit over my head. but i do get the letting go of sin, of sending of the animal with our sins, our iniquities. God says He didn't give animals the capacity to take on hurt or guilt, so we shouldn't feel guilty "giving" our sins to the animals/sacrifices. I am still working on this whole thought. But i see where they are coming for. it makes it seem so easy.
Give sin to animal, send animal away, sin forgiven. i dont mean to make light of it, i know there is much more to it, but like i said, i'm getting there.
ok, time for a run with my girls...Rain, Rain, go away!
When i first starting swimming this is what i felt like... take away my floaties and i was a goner. (It is funny how i find the need to find a photo that matches my story, but that seems to be half the fun on my new blogging habit.) I started swimming last summer when i was hurt with a running injury and had to find a non weight bearing activity to stay in shape. I was training for my first marathon so this was devastating to me at the time. i had no clue what to do since even biking bothered my leg, so i thought i would learn how to swim (at age 24). that was interesting, but with a little persistence anyone can learn anything (just about) so each day got a little easier and before i knew it i could swim a whole length without choking on water or something similar! But in all seriousness i really did start to enjoy my new activity and haven't stopped much. I did a couple of triathlons this summer but since have
taken a break and lost my focus lately without an event to train for. So yesterday i decided it is time to get back on track. so last night i biked and this morning a finally got a good swim in ( 1 mile). I need an event to train for, which is very difficult here in Michigan , but i'll find something. i might even make a game time decision to jump in the Detroit turkey trot, well see :) i became such a good swimmer i will probably end up in Beijing next year (unless i turn down the Olympics, its a big decision)
ok ok, i know it is bad to lie. sorry!
its official: my friends and I are signed up to be bell ringers! (Dec. 15th for you relevant people, mark your calendars!) i can say this is a first and hopefully will be fun, but i guess we really aren't doing it to have fun, but to help those in need.
fun is a bonus.
The above bell is too big to ring, if fact it is the Worlds BIGGEST bell!so we ring a smaller version. I wonder if i am allowed to put kids that i dont know on my blog?...probably not, sorry kids.
This is a much more meaningful picture that i just found. It is very cool to see how practical the SA is. So think twice next time you walk past the red kettle. It is giving people hope, warmth, food and joy. Ok, that wasnt meant to be a guilt trip. but really all those pockets full of change really do add up.
Not really sure how this writer is different, but we will keep looking...i'll keep you posted.
so i guess you can put maps in here, this is where i live (vaguely, in case you crazy's out there want to come get me). ok i guess that is all for now! time for a bike rideAs i talked about the other day, I am starting a new devotional from The Message called Remix: Solo. My goal is (i seem to be big on goals these days) to blog a bit each day about the message, if i have time, maybe some days will take 4 days to read and that's ok, its not a challenge to get through, but to real dive in and get lost.
Day I- Desire for Reconciliation