This blog all started as I was searching for a true and deeply passionate relationship with the Lord, but since becoming pregnant, it has turned into a journal through the journey of motherhood. I am still searching for the balance of both and welcome God to lead the way and end the searching. It's all about Austin and McKenna here, but check out for more on the "anxiously searching" journey.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
New friend
Before Christmas I took Austin to his first trip to the Bomber! He'll have to wait a little longer for his first meal there, but i thought i would ease him into the whole experience.
Our little rockstar!

Thanks to Ben and Bekah for the sweet shirt (yes, it fits already!)
and Uncle Bry and Aunt Laura for the guitar!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
sitting up
Austin started sitting up on his own on Christmas (what a fun present!) He is quite wobbily, but if you get him sitting just right he'll balance on his own. He sat like that for a few minutes today until his head got too heavy to hold up and he basically folded over in half until i helped him.
We had such a great Christmas and got to see so much family (except for the New Yorkers :( It was a lot of fun and a great break for Drew and I from work both in and outside of home. Everyone is so great with helping with Austin and keeping him busy.
Austin was spoiled (as were we) at Christmas and has fun new toys to play with. He is a lot more interested in things in general these days, so I know he'll love his toys. He already really likes his Tad frog from Aunt Chelle.
When we got home today Austin played in his jumperoo and was jumping ALL over the place. He must have really missed it when we were away. He was jumping so hard all the lights and sounds were going off and then he would laugh at himself. It was so precious!
I should be unpacking during this little cat nap of his. Back to work...
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
how times have changed...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Good Morning great grandma Elsie
Although its hard to tell in this pic, he really does love being with her। At the young age of 79, she is not only an avid emailer, but now a blog reader too!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
4 month Stats
Austin went to the doctor today for his 4 month check up today. he was a trooper through his shots and got a great "report card."
Weight: 18 lbs. 88th percentile
Length: 28 in.
Head 17.5in ( i think- whatever it was, it was "normal")
so strong
Austin mananged to "bust" out of his swaddle blanket, not once but twice last night...I think it may be time to transition into "swaddle free" sleeping.
Honestly, I am not looking forward to that since we have such a great deal going right now. One of those deals where he goes to bed at 8.30p and wakes up happy around 8am.
not too shabby...i hope it doesnt all have to end!
Later today is is 4 month appt. I will report back on his "stats."
Any guess on how much chunky monkey weighs?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas party!
The Quisenberry's plus 2 jens (abby, jen, mel, emily with austin, danielle and me)
Rob showing his real "manly" side
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Austin is a "Pot-Head"
We are concerned Austin might be heading down the wrong road. He is dressing like a "Pot-head"
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