decided to go from scratch. Even though I had a slight baking mistake (i forgot half the butter!) they turned out wonderful! See, who needs all that fat anyway? I had a blast making all different colors and designs, even though it took about 4 hours! that probably had something to do with me having no clue what i was doing. No burnt cookies and no frosting stains, not to0 shabby!
This blog all started as I was searching for a true and deeply passionate relationship with the Lord, but since becoming pregnant, it has turned into a journal through the journey of motherhood. I am still searching for the balance of both and welcome God to lead the way and end the searching. It's all about Austin and McKenna here, but check out for more on the "anxiously searching" journey.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Before I start, i am not sure why my typing is underlined, it seems like a simple solution, but i just cant figure it out right now.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
going off the deep end...

i think i have mentioned before about my BPA free obsession that has recently taken over my house. I cleared out all the "unsafe" plastic and replaced our favorite nalgene bottles with a safer HDPE plastic. it was really hard to say good bye to the old favorites.
Now i am reading this new book called Big Green Purse by Diane Maceachern. I have always been kind of anti-organic, just thinking it was a big rip off, but lately i think there is really something to this. a lot of it has to do with this child to be and really wanting to do things right, since the poor little one is at drew and I's mercy to protect it. the thing i love most about the book is how practical it is. the author doesn't just say that you should buy these natural organic products that cost WAY more than the "bad" stuff, she actually gives practical reasons why certain things are worth a little more of your buck and how to make it work. its not just for rich people. we all overbuy things we dont even need in the first place, so if we just cut back a bit we can afford to spend a little more on the important stuff.
i am taking this new adventure of mine one product at a time.
First up...lotions. i've learned it is best to start with things that spend the most time on your skin such as lotions and make up in comparison to shampoos or other products that get rinsed off. there are four major things to watch out for: fragrances, phthalates, parabens, and triclosan (according to living green guide!) for me, parabens are sticking out the most. they are common in SO many products and can mimic the estrogen hormone, which can be dangerous for the fetus and can trigger early puberty in kids and even femanine parts in boys (scary, huh?) so for now, i am ditching my lotions and switching to safer options. i will report back when i find some i like. the good thing is now that the weather is getting better, lotion is really as important as in the winter, so really the best is probably no lotion at all.
Well...Michelle did it, here are some pics from her GVSU graduation today.
You could pick Michelle out very easily (even with 1200 graduates) "Enjoy Life" is her roommate.
She was so excited, she couldnt even keep her eyes open. That is my mom and dad with us.

Thursday, April 24, 2008
My "baby" sister is graduating from GVSU Saturday, I can hardly believe it!
how time flies... i sound so old.
Anyway, Congrats Michelle!
upon request...the growing belly!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
not again...
i couldnt believe it, Drew hit ANOTHER deer tonight. This time it was in his patrol car...What in the world is happening?
oh no!
last night i was staying the night at my parents and drew was at work. I went to bed and was awoken my a phone call at 12:48am, but just rolled over after seeing it was Drew. I thought "doesn't he know his pregnant wife goes to bed well before midnight?" Then the phone rang again at 1:11am so I thought i better see what was going on. He loves to play little tricks on me so the whole time he is telling me the following i am thinking "ok, any minute now you can tell me you are just joking." So here is the story of a brave little (or not so little) deer...
A brave deer decided to go for a frolic at 12.30am on Sunday, April 6th. This deer was so brave in fact that it darted right out into Main St. in front of Kroger in Milan right into a new car that was just bought in October :( He thought it would be extra fun since the car was going about 45 mph and BANG! right into the driver side doors!
I didn't get the details on the fate of the deer, but i have a feeling the ending wasn't so good for brave Mr. Bambi. The fate of the car was even worse. I haven't seen it yet, but I've been told you cant open either door on the driver side, so it looks like Mr. Honda Fit needs some TLC.
I am dreading going home to see the damage...
PS. Drew is fine, so thats the best news of this minor little mess!
A brave deer decided to go for a frolic at 12.30am on Sunday, April 6th. This deer was so brave in fact that it darted right out into Main St. in front of Kroger in Milan right into a new car that was just bought in October :( He thought it would be extra fun since the car was going about 45 mph and BANG! right into the driver side doors!
I didn't get the details on the fate of the deer, but i have a feeling the ending wasn't so good for brave Mr. Bambi. The fate of the car was even worse. I haven't seen it yet, but I've been told you cant open either door on the driver side, so it looks like Mr. Honda Fit needs some TLC.
I am dreading going home to see the damage...
PS. Drew is fine, so thats the best news of this minor little mess!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
one more...
just wanted to let everyone know that i had my "20 week" - more like almost 22 week ultrasound, but everything went fine...we arent finding out, so the surprise continues! The baby seems to being doing well and is 1lb. 3oz already! porker...just kidding...
as for mom-i'm doing ok, just dealing with this back pain, which i guess is caused because the baby is really really low.
bed time!
what did you do today?
this post will probably sound boastful or prideful and it probably is, but oh well... :)
I am probably the most productive person on Earth today (yes, that is true, the whole entire EARTH!) haha, but really, i had a good day at work, got some studying done for an online class i just started, watched a great episode of Oprah, went for a run in the beautiful SUNSHINE, visited with Amy(who i miss spending more time with), learned about cloth diapers, ran home, raked the dead leaves to expose the flowers trying to come up (dont they know its too early to be coming out of hibernation in Michigan?), organized the recycling, cleaned the kitchen, living room and upstairs, packed away all my non preggo clothes (i am done being in denial), packed up to give to charity all my clothes from high school/college that i have been afraid to get rid of (like they are ever going to be cool again...) finally unpacked from vegas, did laundry, packed up for this weekend (just a trip to my parents) and just made homemade pizza! wow, ok, also i won the worlds record for longest run-on sentence above! now time for pizza and relaxation... yea!
on top of that, i think i figured out how moms get so much done, it must be like a super power you get when you reach 'motherhood' (i think i just got a free sample today)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to my Husband, Drew...the big 2-7 today! (ok, whats really so big about 27? really nothing, but nonetheless, a very special day)
Love you Hun!
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