This blog all started as I was searching for a true and deeply passionate relationship with the Lord, but since becoming pregnant, it has turned into a journal through the journey of motherhood. I am still searching for the balance of both and welcome God to lead the way and end the searching. It's all about Austin and McKenna here, but check out for more on the "anxiously searching" journey.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
baby update
well drew and I had an ultrasound at the dr.'s office today to check and see if the placenta "moved up" since the 20 week ultrasound when it was low and she pretty much said she isnt sure. she thinks it is all out of the way, but there is one area that could still be covering the cervix (make a vaginal delievery risky and a c section a must) so we have to go next wednesday back to the official ultrasound place where they can use color flow doppler to see if there is blood flow going through that area (meaning it is a part of the placenta) so i'll keep you updated! Baby's HR was 147 today and everything else is A-OK!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Today, my dad and mom planned a last minute trip to Frankenmuth for the day. I met them
and we enjoyed a nice Memorial day eating Frakenmuth's famous chicken, walking, tasting samples, eating ice cream and wishing Drew could be with us!
Lucky for him, some of the fudge had his name on it and made it home just for him.
Below is my dad and I.
My parents
Mom and I and of course baby!

Sunday, May 25, 2008
I just went on the PALM blog and found these 2 pics from the ride. My friend Carol and of course, me!

june 26th 2007
PALM journal cont...

NO oatmeal at bfast today! the nice bike man made some adjustments on my bike so now i can shift in my favorite gear. today is supposed to be really hot and humid, i am a little worried about hydration. oh well- just have to keep drinking and peeing. a nice boy took our luggage to the truck for us. that was very helpful as we camped a little ways out with only a few other tents. we were on the road a little earlier today. up at 5.45am and packed up before bfast and were on the road before 8. today we went to the dairy capital of the WORLD! Elsie, MI! we took pictures with the sign, the cow, just about whatever said Elsie on it. went to call my grandma Elsie, but still no service. we went to Elsie's pizza place for lunch and of course, ice cream (a daily fixture).
thinking of "no arms and legs jokes" ex. "what do you a call a guy with no arms and no legs sitting on a table in a vase" answer: BUD! haha, too funny, huh? tomorrow is our first century ride (100 mile day!)
june 25, 2007
PALM journal cont...
Fact for today- people LOVE to get up early. man, i dont really see the need for the rush, but maybe we're missing something. there were alarms going off at 4am!!!!! we were out of the tent at 6am and people had the stuff on the trucks already. CRAZY! they are just plain crazy.
night- well besides the church bells going off every half hour and having to get up 2 times to go to the bathroom (that is all i wrote) i am sure i meant to say something like "besides all thought, it was a nice night..) it was over 90 degrees that day though, so i am sure it was awfully hot!
sunday, june 24th 2007
PALM cont.
i've had to pee since 3.30am, i never got up. birds have been awake since 5am, carol and jen awake at 6am (not sure why i am writing in 3rd person). we met a nice lady at breakfast who signed up with 4 lady friends too late and now she is alone on the ride. we also met a tandem couple who are on year 13 (they are at least 70 years old). the old stories are fun to hear. there was a tornado years ago! back to packing up the tent, round 1. God, thank you for your guidance and protection for us and all the riders. please help all the drivers to be awake.
The SAG support has been great. i got hit in the face with a butterfly and saw a llama. day 1 of biking is over, the ride to rockford was nice, a few hills - actually a few more than "a few". back at the middle school the search for our bags was pretty easy since most all were here before us. camp is in the end zone of the football field.
oh no- we have a nearby snorer tonight.
bike riding
at times i feel a little sad that i dont have any big adventures coming up this summer. This is prime time "racing" season and usually i would have already done a half marathon or two with a triathlon around the corner. Not this year, my friends, i have a whole different adventure ahead of me...Parenthood! although i am very excited about that, i do with i could lace up my shoes or jump on my bike and enjoy this wonderful weather. Last year i rode across the state on my bike with a group called PALM and a great friend from work, Carol. I just came across an article in the Ann Arbor News about a trail from D.C to Pittsburgh and i was thinking about our ride from last summer, so i got out the journal i wrote and thought i would share some of the entries
Day one June 23, 2007
so the adventure begins, we arrived a brairwood amll, assuming we were prepared and of course, we were not. we couldnt't get our pedals off the night before like we were supposed to, but the guy in charge pardoned us. next- we were also supposed to put our handle bars "at a right angle" well we thought that just meant turn the bars and tape them at a right angle or something like that. well, we sure were informed. so after waiting for the bus and meeting a nice aa man we began our journey to spring lake, MI. we caught on tot he gist of things by watching people and got camp set up. The people of the bus were interesting, there was Mrs. Eager who just needed a Ritalin to calm down, then the female "couple" (who went to the bike shop before we left and had everything done right), then mr. msu, a family that came all the way from Colorado and had an infant with them and an assortment of others, including myself and carol (the coolest of course).
A tribute to our new couch...moving on to a new home (still to be determined)

You'll be missed dearly...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
the baby
i haven't talked to much about the baby lately, so i thought i would share some recent changes. First off, i think i have developed arthritis. Every morning I wake up with this weird pain and weakness only in my left hand. I thought it was from wearing my wedding ring that seemed to cut off all circulation over the course of the night, but taking it off hasn't helped. I've been told there is a name for this pregnancy induced medical condition, I am yet to find it. Oh, i just looked, i think it might be carpel tunnel syndrome, hmm..i'll keep you posted.
All in all i have been feeling great, i go on with my day and often forget i am pregnant (until i try to fit through a space i used to or ram my belly into something because i forgot it is sticking out so far). Sleeping has become a little more difficult but not to bad, just more energy to roll over! I am still working full time and am planning to continue on until the baby comes. After the baby, I think i am going back 3 days/week. The best news is i only have one more night of call to take tomorrow! I will be off call duty until i come back to work which will be about November, yeah!!!!
I have been having some back pain too, esp. at my SI joints and yesterday i would have bet you that my pelvis split in two, but i guess its all part of the game. I have been going to a chiropractor and although it is relaxing and i really like my doctor, i am not sure it is helping at all with the pain.
As you can see with the photos my belly is growing and i catch people staring at it all the time. I always wonder what they are thinking as they stare... maybe they think they might witness the baby just fall out!
I passed my glucose test (which i was so nervous about) "with flying colors" which means i dont have pregnancy induced diabetes. so thats a great sign for me and the baby.
Next up is a 30week ultrasound next week to check the placenta and make sure it has "moved up" and isnt covering any of the cervix (this can be dangerous and cause for pre term labor and c-section).
Hopefully i'll have some new baby pics next tuesday.
can't sleep
Good morning...well, its 530am and i cant sleep. maybe it was something to do with me going to bed at 8.50pm, but oh well. so i thought i would update my blog, even though i dont think much has changed.
Last weekend my mom and dad along with my uncle D and cuz Sammy came over and helped with the house. I felt like it was a mini-remodel project. On Thursday my dad and Drew spent ALL day painting and did a great job. They painted the downstairs a tan color with a really sweet orange accent wall. They also painted the baby's room the same tan color. On Friday Drew cleaned all the carpets and then saturday the real work began. We really very blessed with lots of new furniture from my Grandpa's house and saturday was the day to do the swap.
First off, living room... We ditched our green couch we bought in a garage sale and replaced it with a really nice sofa bed and chair and ottoman set from Grandps. Then my mother talked me into finally ditching our 1970 drapes that i just couldn't part with, haha...We put up some new blinds and really cute valances. Somewhere in there, mom and Sammy helped me replant a lot of the house plants, which i feel so much better about. Oh, I forgot to mention that Sammy is the best blind cleaner EVER!
Moving upstairs... First in our bedroom we ditched our old mattress and have the MOST comfortable bed! It is like sleeping on clouds, but more supportive, i always think you would just fall through clouds. We also were able to store my old bedroom set at my parents house (thanks mom and dad) and use my grandpa's "adult" set. I even put a bed skirt on the bed and Drew's been making it everyday...we are so grown up.
My dad and uncle put the baby's crib together, so that is really exciting to have that and the dresser in the room (although that's all that's there for now). I even took those 1970 drapes down too...such advances :)
I'll have to get some pictures up here, but for now, just enjoy your imagination.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
28 weeks
The boys (Drew, my dad and uncle) have been hard at work getting the house in order for the new arrival. Here is a pic of me at 28 weeks with the new crib.
Monday, May 5, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008
Mattress Pick up
Help! I am looking for somewhere in the Ann Arbor/Milan, MI area that I can donate a full size mattress set. I would love someone or some place to come pick it up. Any ideas or charity's or places in need? Thanks!
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