This blog all started as I was searching for a true and deeply passionate relationship with the Lord, but since becoming pregnant, it has turned into a journal through the journey of motherhood. I am still searching for the balance of both and welcome God to lead the way and end the searching. It's all about Austin and McKenna here, but check out for more on the "anxiously searching" journey.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
again and again
I may just be growing increasingly impatient, but along with that is coming irritability. I am becoming annoyed with others telling me how I feel. I want to say "excuse me, but are you the one carrying around this basketball with you, trying to sleep with it, function with it and move it so it doesn't push on your bladder so hard that you just walk around peeing on the floor all day?"
but i don't say any of the above things, because although most of these people had their kids 30 years ago, they seem to remember and know "exactly" how I feel, and are just trying to offer their words of advice and encouragement.
Lately I seem to have this exact conversation about 27 times per day.
Person: "Oh wow.. Look at you, when are you due?"
Me: "12 days, August 7th" (or some variety of that)
Person: "You look so ..." (fill in blank here- great, huge, tiny, like you've dropped, not dropped and many other responses of that variety)
Me: "Thanks... I feel really good, just getting excited"
Person: "So, do you know what you are having"
Me: "No, we decided not to find out, we wanted the surprise"
Person: "Good for you!" (everyone says that, who determined it was "not good" to find out the gender?)
Person: "Do you have names picked out?"
Me: "Not yet, we are still deciding" (even if we did, would i want to tell you? you are a stranger)
Person: "Well you should probably decide on one, the baby is almost here"
Me: (Thinking: wow, what a great idea, i didn't think that my baby should have a name) but saying "yeah, you're right. We really do need to decide"
and then that happens over and over... I should just wear a sign with the above dialouge.
I know this may sound a little rude and I know people only ask because they care and love babies, but I only have 12 days left (ok, probably more) and I feel like venting, so I vent. Yesterday I felt like ice cream, so I ate ice cream!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Water Park
I am having the best day! At the last minute I was given today off work and since Drew was off we decided to go to the local water park. I would highly recommend Rolling Hills water park to or no kids...Now we were probably the ONLY adults there without a child with us, OK...we kind of had a child with us, but you know what I mean. They had a lazy river, wave pool and 2 water slides...It was a blast, not to mention a perfect day!

Before the water park, we went to the doctor for our 38 week check, but not much action. Heart rate was 145 bpm and check showed head down, and "softening" but no dilation. "She'll see us next week" Who knows though... maybe the water slides helped get some action going!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
ankles have been found

The day started off wonderfully today...I looked down and to my surprise I could see my ankles again! You see, they have been missing for about a week now. I lost them a month or so ago, but they always seemed to find their way back, but I wasn't sure this last week, I thought they might be gone for good. It was so rewarding to know they missed me!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Baby's Room!
Monday, July 14, 2008
a boy...
Last night I had another boy dream...I think it is 4 for the boys and 2 for the girl dreams... a sign?
Also, yet again, i had a dream that I lost the baby, what is my deal?
Why do I keep having these dreams, do I really think that I am going to forget where I put "it" or leave "it" somewhere?
Haha, i really wonder about myself sometimes...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
ever wonder?
Ever need to buy a gift for someone, but not sure where/if anywhere, they are registered?
check out this website I stumbled across, I love it.
All you do is type in a name and state and it will give you all the places (of 18) that they may be registered (baby or wedding) and you can view it right there... very impressive!
Productivity continues
This nesting thing is great...I get so much done...
Yesterday I did about 4 loads of "baby laundry" and got all the sheets, covers, onzies, towels, etc. washed. I organized a lot of the room cleaned up the living room (which i made a huge mess of on Wednesday). When i needed a break because it is 85 degrees in our house, i would sit and study for a test i have to take for work. I am trying to pass this test before little one comes, I think it'll be a race to the finish! I cant wait for everything to be all ready to go for baby!

Small Group Shower
Another Blessing...

Today I had a wonderful afternoon spoiled at a shower thrown by two good friends from my church Amy1 (avoiding the camera :) and Stephanie... Below are a few of the ladies L to R: Amy2, Ronni, Andrea, Stephanie and Haylie
We had great food (thanks everyone!), good times and of course wonderful gifts. My favorite
was the "wall of onzies" it was so cute and then everyone painted one (pictures to follow) so i will have 10 unique designs.
Also not pictured was Angela who made the most wonderful and incredible soft blanket! Thanks so much to everyone!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Doc update
Yesterday was ultra productive...
Started the day (well after a full day of work) with a MD baby appt. and all is still well. Heart rate 138bpm and the doctor said the head was down (great sign) and even added that was "down farther than usual at this point" so that means no flipping around for the little one...
We then had a great dinner at Qdoba's and off to run errands...
It was such a successful trip...
We were able to buy our Pack and play, mattress, glider and some odds and ends for the baby's room, including a book shelf knobs and hinges for the dresser and crib...I cant wait to get to work now.
First off is Infant care class. In about 3 hours we will be the best diaper changing, bathing, baby soothers ever! Ok, maybe not...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
i am getting tired, so i thought i would write in "bullets" instead of paragraphs tonight.
- really excited for the baby
- anxious to get the room ready
- overwhelmed by the amount of "stuff" i still need to sort through and find a home for
- like i could pop my feet and ankles with a needle and lose 5+ lbs. of fluid
- really excited for the baby
- anxious to find out if baby holt is a boy or girl
- excited to finally know the feeling of holding your child for the first time
- grateful to have such support from Drew
- so appreciative of all his hard work (i think he is "nesting" before me!)
- looking forward to checking the mail each day waiting for cloth diapers and room decor.
- did i mention really excited for the baby?
- blessed to have such incredible family and friends
- excited to close my eyes on my pillow now...
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Holt Visit
Things have been very busy lately...Sorry for the lack of posts.

Here is what we've been up to.
Hanging out with the Family.... Topher, Heather and the boys were in town last week, we had so much fun with them.
This is Landon born 12.26.08
Laura, Bry and I at Red Knapps
Braeden eating Papa's Birthday cake
Sleepy time for Landon
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