This blog all started as I was searching for a true and deeply passionate relationship with the Lord, but since becoming pregnant, it has turned into a journal through the journey of motherhood. I am still searching for the balance of both and welcome God to lead the way and end the searching. It's all about Austin and McKenna here, but check out for more on the "anxiously searching" journey.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
let me tell you
It really is a MIRACLE! Some of you probably read my previous post about the so called miracle blanket that we ordered, well it arrived and man is it ever a miracle! Last night Austin slept 7 hours... he was zonked from 930p to 430a... man oh man, i have to say i didn't sleep well after about 2am because i was convinced something was wrong with him. Turns out he was just cozy in his little cocoon. Tonight he slept 6 hours from 1030 to 430a at Grandma's house. He's such a little man. Well...I just feed him and got him back to sleep (i think) so i am headed back to bed. So if you young infant isn't sleeping well, we HIGHLY recommend the "Miracle Blanket"
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
car adventure
Today made my debut driving solo with Austin. We only ventured about a mile from the house to "Mom's Group" through our church, but nonetheless it was a big trip. I wasn't worried about driving, it was more just wondering what i was going to do by myself if he had a meltdown, blowout or some other even that i wasn't prepared for. To my surprise, he was a perfect angel. He screamed until i put him in the car, but then he settled down, slept through all of the small group and we even went to CVS real quick. The funniest part was when i panicked because I didn't know how to get the car seat out of the car. I was so embarrassed (this has been Drew's job so far) but then pulled myself together and found the giant orange button that you push for "easy release" It was a big confidence booster.
Our friends Carol and Heather are coming over soon for dinner and to hang out with Austin (who by the way slept much better last night and let mom sleep from 3.30p-730am!)
Tomorrow is our 2 week check up (a couple of days early) so I cant wait to see how much the little porker weighs!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
play time
Miracle Blanket
A good friend of my swears by this blanket and in hopes of ending these sleepless/barely sleeping nights, we ordered one! She said her son, less than 3 months, has been sleeping 9 hours at night. Now I am not going to be picky and will clearly settle on a 4 hour stretch. I cant wait to straight jacket Austin to sleep! My hopes are that it really is the "miracle" it claims to be. Cant wait to report back.

Monday, August 25, 2008
Each day is a new day... that is what helps get us through the rough nights... Austin seems to be awfully fussy the past day or so, but loves when daddy does his tricks to calm him. Seems I am just the milk supplier. This is his outfit from Aunt Chelle. Although he doesn't look happy, he really loves it!
We also started our cloth diapers yesterday. so far so good...did our first load of wash and got to dry them in the sunshine (i'll miss that in the winter). Drew got mad at me when i put the pink diaper on him... we are only allowed to use that at night time :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Here is a link to a few (ok...30) more pics...
ok the link didnt work...just copy and paste it.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
i know i have been bad about posting and emailing, but i wanted everyone to know we are still alive...barely! last night was rough, but today and tonight are going SO much better...i think he is getting the hang of eating and sleeping with some routine...
also, we got peed on for the first time tonight...i thought those of you with boys would get a smile out of that!
ok, AA is zonked, we're gonna try and catch some ZZZ's
Thank you everyone for all the phone calls, emails and prayers...they are so needed and welcomed. Not to mention the "unsolicited" advice, it is great, and so helpful. Its the words of encouragement that helped get me through yesterday...Thank you!
Monday, August 18, 2008
We're home!
after a long day, we finally made it home with our new addition. I don't think he has even seen his new home yet, as he has been sleeping since before we left. Drew and I have got a chance to nap and were treated to a delicious dinner by our friends Stephanie and Colin. They stopped by to drop a few things off, including pasta alfredo! yum... Thanks guys...
We go to the pediatrician in the morning for a check up and to keep an eye on a few things (eye culture for his "gunk", his eating, and mild jaundice) we'll report back.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
so tired...
well today has been filled with wonderful visitors and lots of excitement, but i am EXHAUSTED...time for a good nights rest...Thank you to the hospital nursery...
Everything is going well, Austin and my fevers are both gone and we are doing
great...ok, i just pushed out a 9.5 lb baby, maybe great isn't the right word, but you
know what i mean. Austin spent most of the day sleeping and hanging out with
visitors. He is getting antibiotics for 48 hours, so we'll go home Monday morning.
Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers... Current prayer request is that Austin
learns how to chow down a little better. I am not worried though, he has plenty of
reserve :)
Everything is going well, Austin and my fevers are both gone and we are doing
great...ok, i just pushed out a 9.5 lb baby, maybe great isn't the right word, but you
know what i mean. Austin spent most of the day sleeping and hanging out with
visitors. He is getting antibiotics for 48 hours, so we'll go home Monday morning.
Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers... Current prayer request is that Austin
learns how to chow down a little better. I am not worried though, he has plenty of
reserve :)
Is it a Girl.... Is it a Boy?
It is a BOY!!
Austin Alexander has come into this world with a smile on his face and chic-chatting away. He was born at 4:29AM on Sat. August 16th. Just because Jennifer is a small girl does not mean she cannot delivery a BIG baby. He weighed 9 pounds and 4 ounces. With a height of 22.5inches. He is doing well but has a slight fever. He hung out with Mom and Dad for about fifteen minutes then he was sent to the NICU for a while until his temp. goes down and is given anti-biotics. Jennifer is doing GREAT!! She pushed for only 50 minutes before Austin was ready to show his face to the world!!
Pictures to come soon!!
Much Love and More Peace
Aunt Chelle
Austin Alexander has come into this world with a smile on his face and chic-chatting away. He was born at 4:29AM on Sat. August 16th. Just because Jennifer is a small girl does not mean she cannot delivery a BIG baby. He weighed 9 pounds and 4 ounces. With a height of 22.5inches. He is doing well but has a slight fever. He hung out with Mom and Dad for about fifteen minutes then he was sent to the NICU for a while until his temp. goes down and is given anti-biotics. Jennifer is doing GREAT!! She pushed for only 50 minutes before Austin was ready to show his face to the world!!
Pictures to come soon!!
Much Love and More Peace
Aunt Chelle
Almost Here...
Just to let you ALL know, Jennifer has just started pushing and she is doing GREAT!! Hopefully, the next blog will be full of pictures of BABY HOLT!!
Much Love and More Peace
Much Love and More Peace
Friday, August 15, 2008
its me
hey, this epidural is the way to go! i am feeling great... i feel contractions every once in awhile and am just enjoying the time with my family (drew, michelle, and both our parents). i know the hard part is still to come, but for now, life isnt half bad. not to mention, the Olympics are on. We probably wont have a little Holt before we are looking at a August 16th bday i think. Lastest status is 5-6cm and waiting... Just a little itchy...NOTHING to complain about!
Cloud 9
Mini Update:
Me again!! Jennifer is doing well, the hospital broke her water at about 4:30PM, she was given pitosin before the epidural, and she got an epidural at about 8:00PM. Baby is doing VERY well, heart rate is looking good at 144. Jennifer is also doing well, she is just hanging out watching the Olympics and eating some jello.
Much Love and More Peace
Me again!! Jennifer is doing well, the hospital broke her water at about 4:30PM, she was given pitosin before the epidural, and she got an epidural at about 8:00PM. Baby is doing VERY well, heart rate is looking good at 144. Jennifer is also doing well, she is just hanging out watching the Olympics and eating some jello.
Much Love and More Peace
Bun is Still in The Oven..
Hello Everyone!
This is Michelle, Jennifer's little sister! Jennifer is doing GREAT!! She is currently at the Hospital in labor. They broke her water about an hour and half ago. She is currently at three centimeters and has been there for about an hour. There are not a whole lot more updates just hanging out watching the Olympics until Baby Holt wants to show us her/his face!
Let's play a little game...
What do you think
The SEX of the baby is:
The DATE the baby will be born:
The TIME of birth:
I will be keeping you posted!
Much Love and More Peace
This is Michelle, Jennifer's little sister! Jennifer is doing GREAT!! She is currently at the Hospital in labor. They broke her water about an hour and half ago. She is currently at three centimeters and has been there for about an hour. There are not a whole lot more updates just hanging out watching the Olympics until Baby Holt wants to show us her/his face!
Let's play a little game...
What do you think
The SEX of the baby is:
The DATE the baby will be born:
The TIME of birth:
I will be keeping you posted!
Much Love and More Peace
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
i may be the first person to be pregnant forever.
i know this may sound dramatic, but it is the truth. all these events keep coming and going and i am STILL pregnant.
Doc update: Today we had a non stress test (where they basically listen to the heart rate and watch contractions and make sure the baby isn't under any distress). Good news is that baby sounds as healthy as can be with a nice strong heart rate. The fluid levels are slightly low, but look good. I haven't changed at all and am still dilated to 1cm. Doc stripped my membranes again and gave me prostagladin gel which is supposed to help the "ripening" process. (am i a banana or what?) So the plan is to go in for induction Monday if nothing happens in the mean time.
I guess there is an end in sight, but i am really struggling... I don't want any more advice. I know people mean well, but i really just want to be me. Just go to work, come home, sleep and wait for Monday.
Unless little munchkin wants to come before Monday, that's fine by me!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
just in case
Just in case anyone was losing sleep over my lack of updates...I am still pregnant. Thats about all for now. Doc appt. tomorrow, so i'll report back. For your viewing pleasure, here is me at work.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
This labor thing is so will be such a big deal, but for the time being it is this BIG unknown. I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions over the last couple of weeks which is completely common, but now that they day becomes closer and closer, I start to second guess myself and wonder if and when the real deal is happening. I think I am just paranoid, but i have been writing down my contractions for the last hour or so. They are about 10 minutes apart, but they don't hurt so I am assuming it is nothing, but who knows. I really hope Baby Holt wants to meet his/her family soon! If it wasn't so dark, I'd go for a walk, but that doesn't seem like a very safe activity for a women due in 4 days alone at night.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Finishing Touches...
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