This blog all started as I was searching for a true and deeply passionate relationship with the Lord, but since becoming pregnant, it has turned into a journal through the journey of motherhood. I am still searching for the balance of both and welcome God to lead the way and end the searching. It's all about Austin and McKenna here, but check out for more on the "anxiously searching" journey.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Austin was having way too much fun in Oxford and didnt really want to nap. He finally feel asleep in the car on the way to dinner so Andrew decided to take the WHOLE car seat in with us. I must admit, I thought it was a odd, but I ended up being great...we just put him under the table until he woke up.

Oh sweet you are.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thanks Aunt Pat
Aunt Pat let us take her brand new van up to the trailer...Austin was riding like a king!

Detroit sports over the campfire
This is what happens when the Tigers and Wings play and we all want to watch but can't all fit in the trailer.

Monday, May 25, 2009
Cool but sunny
Although it was cool on Sunday, it was really sunny and Andrew forgot his hat.
He first tried the BBQ lid...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Austin had a lot of first's today.... He went to his first kids birthday party to help Bella celebrate her 3rd birthday and had a ton of fun. He had ribs and baked beans for dinner (both firsts) and then had his first trampoline experience. He thought it was SO funny when Jack jumped and made him laugh.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
whats going on at 9 months?
Recap of month 9
- Really moving these days. Has mastered army crawling and will crawl a few feet on hands and knees.
- Pulls himself up on EVERYTHING, eventually falls, and pulls himself right back up
- Can sit back up from lying down
- Enjoys most food and we are starting to give him more "real" food and less baby food.
- First TOOTH! Its still working its way up, but its almost here.
- Weighed 24 lb 3oz at his check up and was 29 inches.
- Starting to be more "expressive" when you take something away that he wanted.
- Has the cutest little pouty lips when he is a unhappy camper
- Taking 2 naps per day, usually mid morning and early afternoon
- Bed around 7pm and sleeps until 6ish, nurses and back to bed until 8ish.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
first hair brushing
Thank you GAR and GAG
Austin's Great uncle Greg and Great aunt Rose sent Austin this cute baseball Tshirt and a cute monkey pen! He didn't know what do at first because it didn't have Tigers on it so he cried...
but then I explained that he had to be polite and wear it- because his aunt and uncle live in St. Louis they don't know how great the Tigers are and the only thing they have are the Cardinals. I had to give him his Michigan hat and then he was much happier.

Hats off to ya...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Story Time with Papa
Andrew and Austin reading the new book Austin got for his 9th month birthday from Grammy and Grandpa Bob
new face
It's kind of hard tell but Austin loves to make this new face with his top lip sucked in and then he smacks his lips. Its hard to catch on camera...
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