Sunday, August 16, 2009

One year already?

Can you believe he's a year already? How crazy how fast that went by! This is what Austin has been up to:

  • Says mama, dada and ball

  • Is walking (and crashing)- can make it across the room, but still quite wobbily

  • Still has a great appetite and will eat just about anything

  • Is on 2% milk and water

  • loves to be in the water, play in his pool and with his water table

  • still loves going for walks in the stroller

As far as a typical day, Austin is still taking 2 naps (mid AM and mid afternoon) about 2 hours each and sleeps great through the night for the most part. Bedtime and awake time are both between 7 and 8.

He smiles all the time and his personality is really starting to come out. It is adorable, but pesky. If he wants something, he's gonna get it one way or the other (I wonder where he gets that from? haha). He is really determined and follows through with his wishes.

He loves attention and LOVES to give out smiles when we are at stores and loves it even more when he gets a smile or wave back. It is amazing to see how easily he can change someone's day for the better. What a ham...

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