Friday, December 14, 2007

i am a baby sitter

haha, this is funny to me because i dont think i have ever baby sat in my life. dont tell amy and phil that (i know she will probably be the first to read this). i figured, how hard could it be, i am a medical professional for gosh sake. so when i spoke up and told her i would come over so her and her husband could go chrismas shopping or just go on a date, i thought no big deal. and boy was i right. Jackson is perfect, or at least a perfect sleeper. i am still awaiting his 930 cry, but its 916 already and things are looking good, not a peep from the little guy. I have already finished christmas cards, had dinner, read, checked email, even talked to Eva who tried calling me at the Amy's (but i was too chicken to answer the phone), and even better than being at home, there is nothing to distract me. i might have to do this again. just not sure how long it will be before i fall asleep. oh no way, i just heard a little cry, maybe i jinxed myself...
ok baby jackson, back to sleep...

1 comment:

amy said...

we read this post last night when we got home so i bet we WERE the first to read it! thank you so much for babysitting! (: you did GREAT (: