Wednesday, December 5, 2007

praise HIM!

Great grandpa's tumor is 99% gone! He still has about 10 sessions of radiation to go, but he is doing great. He only lost 1 lb. this week, which is also GREAT news and has been able to eat some solid food still. In laymans terms, he has cancer behind his nose/throat area. so 7lb weight loss to date is great so far...Keep praying!
I'd love to write more, but i am over booked this week and only allotted 4.2 minutes for blogging today.
times up!

1 comment:

Jesse said...

That's really great news, Jen. Praise God indeed. And on an unrelated note, I have no idea why it's so funny, but that elf thing you guys did is hilarious. Can't help but laugh. I'm gonna have to show it to Ronni. But of course then she'll make me do it for us, too.