Sunday, November 4, 2007


The Flood...

God, hear me, better yet, thank you for hearing me. Help me to hear you...I have this burning desire to serve, to help and i want to focus it. I often just volunteer knowing I should, but spreading myself so thin. I want to channel my desires where they can best be used. I know my future is in health care and lately I feel like it is in helping people die. I know it sounds weird and maybe morbid but I think there can be such peace in death and I want to help people see and experience that. I think part of that is from Grandpa and his struggles but I also see how the people helping him make his day. It is the "little things" that mean so much to those suffering, those alone. God has given me the ability to make a difference, and in deed, that is what i will do.

Today at church, Beth prayed for me along with Sandy, and what meant more to me than anything was that Sandy couldnt hear anything we said, but she just said she hear God saying that I "would feel a wind of the spirit come over me" which is exactly what Beth and I were praying for"

As I am writing, I realize that this blog is more for myself than anyone else, I want to look back and see you working Lord, see your wonders...

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