Thursday, November 8, 2007

Rich II

So continuing on... At small group, we watched a Nooma DVD about the richness of Americans and ironic it is that people have bumper stickers that say "God bless America" (Please take no offense if you are someone with this bumper sticker or similar banner displaying your commitment to the Good 'Ol USA). This is deeper than the sticker, this is about how the poorest American is flat out spoiled, compared to the majority of the world. I don't remember the statistics to spit back out at you but it is amazing to know that we are so blessed, we cannot even comprehend it, we just take it for granted, more often than not. It just kills me at times at work sometimes when people complain how "small" their raise was, or how they work too hard and aren't payed enough. If only they really knew, really knew how hard it is everywhere else. DO you think we could even make it a week, or even a day outside our world full of blessings?

I have just been praying for the ability to help others see how blessed we are, how plain old spoiled we, we are so blinded, so blinded. Lord, let us have eyes to see, give us the strength to handle seeing "with your eyes" to see the pain you see, but also the joy that you see, may we be so blessed that we can see just an ounce of you joy. Thank you Lord

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