Saturday, November 17, 2007


Day 6: God Reveals Himself
Setting: Exodus 33. God showing His Glory to Moses.

Can we really even comprehend that?
His Glory.
What exactly is that? Something so powerful that no one can even see His Face and that Moses had to come alone, clear the mountain, of everything, even livestock. By the way, how in the world do you clear a mountain? :) So as God 'passes by' (as if it is no big deal) he says

" God, God, a God of mercy and grace, endlessly patient- so much love, so deeply true- loyal in love for a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion and sin." Exodus 34:6-7 msg.

That is the truly amazing part to me. That someone can be so perfect, so gracious, so loving, so honest, so God. The thought of being like that seems so out of reach sometimes. I long to have such a pure heart, to forgive, better yet, to never get upset in the first place, to truly be loving. It just shows how much i need God, I NEED His touch, His mercy, His Life in me. I try so hard to be selfless, to love, but that is just it, i don't want it to be trying, i just want it to BE, because that is the person I am, the person God made me. I am a work in progress. (thanks Kim).

This morning, i finally got up the courage to go check out the Compassion Ministry at my church. I had heard people talk about it, but I just always seemed to find a reason not to go. But not today, today was different. I even set my alarm on a Saturday (usually my only day without that wonderful Alicia Keys song waking me up). So the alarm went off and i pretty much brushed my teeth, threw on my jacket and walked out the door, across the street and through the back of the ministry center. I was first surprised at the line of people out the door, about 90 minutes before the door opened. I had heard of the line, but to actually see all these people, hurting, broken, cold, and some desperate. Some had chairs, some blankets, and some just carried the hope that someone would help. Once getting to work, I realized why I should have come so long ago. God's people at work, sharing what they had (i soon saw many workers were also recipients of help, and were working to give back what God was blessing them with). We started earlier than normal this morning, which was a relief to me, to allow everyone inside, out of the cold. The system is very organized and while people are waiting for their turn in the clothes closet or food pantry they can enjoy fellowship, warmth and even cookies and coffee. We were able to help at least 160+ family's and i personally lifted hundreds of lbs. of food that will go to feed so many that are hurting by this recent economy and strings of 'bad luck' It is such an experience of mixed emotions. I felt so glad to be helping provide practical ways to help people, but my heart just broke to see all the need. You feel so bad, it sunk in most, when i entered by nice warm house, in from the cold, rainy day and couldn't decide what to eat for lunch because i had TOO MANY options. I wanted to bring people over and have them take what they needed from my own fridge. The problem of hunger seems so big to tackle, but we are doing what we can every week, every week helping more and more people and spreading God's incredible LOVE.

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