Thursday, November 8, 2007

ready for poop

My runs with my good friend Kristin, who is 26 weeks pregnant, always seem to be so therapeutic for me. She is such a sound friend and very objective. I often think just her open ear means more than anything. I tend to just babble and babble and by the end of 3 or so miles, i always seem to have some clarity even if she didn't have much to say (because i wouldn't shut up to let her :). Today for example, we have transferred into the inside on the treadmill (i guess the baby-to-be doesn't like the colder weather). Anyway, in a matter of 40 minutes i felt like i figured out the next 5-7 years of my life out! I know that is manly because of all the prayers from Sunday and my desire for clarity, which i truly feel i have been receiving lately, but it so refreshing to see so clear. So it seems like babies before nursing school, at least for now. So my new goal for the winter is to pass my RCIS exam for work and take a pre-req or two (maybe). First on the list is diving into the Word though. Hopefully that will come with help with a new book i bought (that i heard about through a very wise man, at least he seems so, so far) called SOLO: the message, it is a daily devotional way to cruise through the Bible. So i am looking forward to some diving in and drowning (in a good way) in God's truth. Blessings...

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